Archive for October, 2009

life is a puzzle

LiFe iS   a PUZzLE.

There are so many PuZzLEs

in our lives

that bring

so much frustrations,

so much confusion,

puzzle_pieces so much pain and anger,

that control us

mentally and emotionally

You  need to fix them…

the puzzles all fitting together


to form a solid piece

a perfect picture…

a big picture of life

But you need to

patiently fix them,

piece by piece

day after day

slowly one by one.

The same thing in our life

The right piece at the right place

only will it fit

The right piece at the right time

The right piece at the right cause

Only can the puzzles

in our lives start to fix.


Many things had happened

in our lives are like puzzles.

Many things that happened

are  hard to understand

There are too many

WHYs and HOWs

no one can answer



Nobody would understand

those memories of pain  and arguments,

those dark secrets of shame,

and the turmoils and bitterness

that follow after.

Who can put all these puzzles together?

And try to fix them together

In order to see a big picture

All these puzzles that happened….


They all happen for a reason,

for a purpose

Because they all join together

for a bigger purpose,

a bigger picture

Only the CREATOR

who created us can know

Only He can fix

all the many  puzzles together

To form a big picture.

All the pieces of puzzles by themselves

Have no picture, no meaning

It takes time to fit so many puzzles together

Don’t hurry time, but wait upon the creator to fix them all

Only He knows how, what is best,

for He can see the big picture

He knows and he feels for you

But it’s up to you to decide

Whether you believe He can fix all the puzzles in your life

Whether you want Him

to be real in your life.

Don’t resent Him

Nothing wrong to give your creator

a chance to prove Himself

Don’t resent him,

but allow Him to start work

To start the long process of

fixing all the puzzles

in your life

To start work restoring back your life

To a perfect solid piece,

a big beautiful picture

that all can see and admire.

The creator is creative

He wants to be close to his creations

Let him.

God you cannot see

but He is there

He is real

He never slumbers

He is ALMIGHTY who created you

He cannot fail

He is your


love is the foundation


of any happiness.

without love,

without someone to love

our happiness is not complete.


we r created in His image,

created to love.

no matter how hushand n wife fights,a hug still has a lot of feelings

A boy falls in love with a girl,

it’s the happiest moment.

A married couple wants a baby to love

to make their happiness complete.

In order to find happiness

we must have love in the heart,

have someone to love.

love is everything a person needs.

love can penetrate the coldest of hearts.

God is love.

His love is unconditional.


Turn to Him n to His embrace.

let Him comforts u.

He’s always there,

and He’s in you.

just acknowledge His presence

and see your life changed.




with husband, wife, children,

parents,friends, teachers

requires a strong foundation,

the Word of God being the corner stone.


Because it requires

a strong character,

with honesty, faithfulness,


with sacrifices,

for what you sow is what you reap.

young tree

Why is honesty important?

With falsehood and dishonesty,

we cannot develop friendship.

Why is faithfulness important?

Unfaithfulness is the cause

of breakdown of many friendships.


makes honesty n faithfulness work.

We need to keep going,

because obstacles will surely come.

We need the strength that comes

from a close friendship with God.

Without commitment,

friendships cannot last;

marriages cannot be strong.

We’re to accept each person

as he or she is,

to build each other up,

to speak words that build up.

We are to be as Jesus is to us.

Getting along with someone involves

not only doing things to strengthen,

but also avoiding things that hurt.

“Set a guard over my mouth, O Lord;

keep watch over the door of my lips.” (Psalm 141:3)

no matter how hushand n wife fights,a hug still has a lot of feelings

How many marriages and friendships

have been destroyed

because of criticism that get out of control?

because of gossip or a word

spoken thoughtlessly or in anger?

A harsh word can’t be taken back;

no apology can fully repair its damage.

“The tongue also is a fire,

a world of evil among the parts of the body.

It corrupts the whole person,

sets the whole course of his life on fire,

and is itself set on fire by hell.”

(James 3:6)